We started our project by looking at the boxes of eggs that were donated to the class. These eggs were all from local families.One egg farmer is a first grader right here at UES. She came by to answer the questions we had about the eggs. We learned that different types of chickens can lay different colored eggs. We also learned that the eggs are usually found in the nesting boxes, but sometimes they are found in funny place, like mud!
We first cooked some eggs to see what yellow eggs would taste like.

We then took a look at a recipe for 'Green Eggs and Ham." Your child should have that recipe in their green folder!
Eggs were cracked, a drop of blue was added( blue and yellow make green) and lots of scrambling took place!

Finally, eggs were added to the griddle, and cooked by Karen(Mallory's mom). Some kids added ham to their eggs, and some did not.
Ask your child about their experience tasting "green Eggs and Ham". What did they think? Some kids thought they would like them, and others did not. How did the predictions turn out?Were green eggs better than yellow eggs?
Many thanks to all who donated supplies and helped with this green project!
One kindergarten kid made "Green Eggs and Ham" at home, because she needed to miss school that day. Way to go!