Monday, September 28, 2015


We spent some time noticing the changes since our last visit to Harrison Field. We then looked for insects in the forest, and use hand lenses.
First graders created insect models using natural objects.

We spent the last part of our ECO time sketching and writing in journals. 

This team worked together to move a downed tree. Fantastic group work!

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Click Beetles

We read Eric Carle's story about " The Very Quiet Click Beetle". We learned about the " fake eyes" on some insects to distract predators. We also learned about the click which can startle a predator. Of course we needed to create our own click beetle models too!

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Open House

Union Elementary School Parents' Group

UES Open House- This Week

Thursday, September 24 from 6:15-7:15.
Please join us in Room 118 as your child acts as a tour guide to share all that has been happening in first grade!
We look forward to your visit.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Meet MJ

Our class has PE class twice a week. On Fridays, our PE teacher is MJ. You may have seen "Fitness Club" slips in your child's folder. MJ collects these slips on Fridays. The goal of the club is to help build excitement about being active and fit! Thanks for your help!!

Learning About Insects

We have been delving deeply into the study of insects with a particular insect focus for each week. Our class began with a close study of ants.We wanted to see some ants up close, so students designed "ant traps". These traps were disguised as " ant restaurants".

Students discovered that ants seemed to like snack foods that were greasy and salty, as well as sweet!!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Picture Day is Coming

Barack Obama childhood...!
Barack Obama in elementary school!

Picture Day is Wednesday, September 9.
Union Elementary SchoolPicture Day: Wednesday, September 9 Picture Day ID: VJ175144Q0
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  • No need to send cash or flyer back to school when you order online
  • See more options available online
  • Use credit card or PayPal on our secure site
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Special Message

The class worked together to decide a special message. Each puzzle price was inside a balloon! It was fun and exciting to see each friend pop their balloon, look carefully at their puzzle price, then attempt to price together the message. At the end, one segment was still missing. The class decided to invite Mr. Hennessey to pop a ballon too! What fun
"We work together as a team!"

We work together as a Team!

We used balloons to practice teamwork on Wednesday. Groups of two started moving balloons through the gym without using their hands! Groups then increased to 4, 5, 6, 7 and even 8. 
We learned to work together to achieve a goal!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Building Time

We took some time to practice sharing materials and building with partners last week. Superintendent Of Montoelier Schools, Dr. Ricca, stopped in for a visit, and enjoyed building too!

A Bean Update

Hi Susan,

Here is Beanie Weenie, who started as a sprout from your class. He yielded 28 beans, a few of which Lucia brought to school today. Thanks for getting him going; it was a great learning experience for all of us!