Sunday, October 20, 2013

ECO- Insect Museums and Sit Spots

On Thursday, we set off for Harrison field with two goals. We were going to create an insect museum with found objects. Each child would need to show the parts of an insect. Wow! We had some wonderful creations.


Each first grader then found their own "Sit Spot" in the forest. A "Sit Spot" is a place to be calm and quiet. It is a place to listen, watch, small, and feel connected with the natural world. It is a place to feel safe and comfortable. First graders took some time to find just the right "sit spot'. Then, they took out their field notebooks to draw, write, and describe their spot.



A poet hears a chickadee and writes" Big tree, chip, chik, nature, ah, I love, nature."


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