Sunday, January 6, 2013

Kindergarten Reading

A small group explores a new book together, and practices finger pointing.
At literacy time, we have been learning the components of "The Daily Five". Each session begins with a mini-lesson, then students get to practice a component of the "Daily 5". Kindergarten kids have been practicing "Read to Self", "Work on Writing", "Word Work", "Read with a Buddy", and "Listening to Stories". These components have been introduced, and students have been practicing them as a whole group, while I work with smaller groups to introduce new concepts, strategies and books for reading.

In the coming months, kindergarteners will have opportunities to choose which component they work on during each session. They will begin to practice independently, and will continue to meet in small groups, and to conference with me.
Similar books at "just right" levels .

Keep an eye out for take home- book bags next week. Kids will be bringing home books to share, as they become comfortable readers. Please read these books, and return to school when finished.

What an exciting time of year for kindergarten readers.

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